Gym Drill Pro - Gymnastics Skill Drills for Professionals

High Bar


Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Hehct Swing with Straps

This drill is performed using straps. The Hecht tap should begin after the gymnast performs a Stemme and should be completed to above handstand. The higher the better. The body should be fully extended until horizontal on the downswing. During the horizontal position in the downswing, the gymnast’s heels should begin to lead the swing with back pressure exerted against the bar from their hands. This will ensure an arched position which should continue until just prior to the bottom of the swing. At this point, the hips should relax, and the body should quickly snap into a hollow position. The upper back and shoulders should briefly lead the swing before the gymnast releases into a second tight arched position. This secondary heel drive shortens the body and creates a turnover dynamic that will accelerate the body towards above handstand. After improving, the next step is Hecht Front Giant in immediate succession.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Stemme. Hehcht Swing up to Handstand

The next step is to perform the Stemme, Hecht exercise mentioned above with grips on.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Belly, Half Backward, Half on Trampoline

The gymnast should stand in the center of the trampoline with a straight body and arms up. The starting position involves the gymnast jumping onto their stomach with their arms remaining above their head. At the bottom of the jump, the gymnast should press down on the trampoline with their palms and toes, resulting in a rebound. A strong press and snap-down will give the gymnast significant height. The body should flip back into an upright hollow position. The gymnast should combine this snap-down with a twisting motion. By the time that the gymnast has reached the upright hollow position, they should have completed a ¼ turn. The remaining part of this exercise involves the gymnast completing an additional ¼ turn before their feet touch the trampoline. The skill should be finished in the initial starting position.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Catchvault Over the Pommelless Horse

For this drill, the gymnast should jump over the pommel-less horse, passing over the horse in a piked body with a half twist. The gymnast should land on the opposite side in front of the horse. This drill can be performed with a mini-trampoline for assistance with the jump.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Catchvault Over the Low Bar, Using Minitramp

This drill is the same as above but completed over a low bar instead of a horse.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Hehct Release Pit

After the gymnast is already familiar with the Hecht tap drill, they should begin to attempt Hecht release. This drill can be performed using a safety belt as well.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Hehct Release on Back Pit

A stronger and faster snap-down at horizontal will give the gymnast a significant amount of height to continue rotating backward. The gymnast should maintain the hollow position and land on their backs in the foam pit.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Hehct Release with Half Turn Pit

The gymnast should perform a Hecht release with a half turn, landing in a foam pit.

Vaultcatch Drill High Bar

Hehct Release with Half Turn, Landing on Belly in Pit

After mastering the previous drill and when the Hecht becomes high enough, begin to have the gymnast perform a Hecht release.

Sesure high bar with protection mats!

Integral part of gymnastics coaching process are skill drills. They help gymnasts to learn easier and technically correct. With GYM DRILL PRO you will find variety of ideas for the most the basic gymnastics skills. There are plenty of images with skill drill progressions. It is intended to support explicitly the qualified coaches in their daily coaching business. DO NOT practice without the guidance of proper professionals.